Bologna Resource Center

Aim of the Bologna Resource Center

By deepening the study of European HE, the BRC anticipates a policy-level impact and interest. For two and one-half decades, non-European countries have been following and observing European led policies in the field of HE like the Bologna Process and questioning its relevance and potential applicability for their HESs and their developing relationship with the EHEA. This has been happening in a sporadic and non-coordinated way in different regions. Against this backdrop, the network of BRCs within NEAR-EU will create a common forum for cooperation and discussion between regions on the EHEA, the Bologna Process and possible benefits and implications for national higher education systems. Given the fact that the network embraces the globe, it has great potential to generate interest in the European Studies community and to ultimately attract more stakeholders. This network of academics and young scholars will inevitably trigger an informed discussion on the strategy of higher education systems concerning the internationalization and modernization of higher education. As HE is an international concern, we see the establishment of a world-wide inter-regional network that will act as a bridge between the policy development and the theoretical framing as an effective resource to accomplish this goal.


The BRCs will operate in conjunction with national ERASMUS+ offices and HEREs fora as well as local education authorities. An innovative feature of the NEAR-EU project lies in the geographic composition of the network as it catalyzes the sharing of knowledge and best practice among EU and non-EU participants who cope with diverse challenges. Issues such as harmonization of HES within federal systems (Canada, Germany) and strengthening regional integration via higher education (Singapore, New-Zealand, Slovenia), are creating horizon broadening opportunities, not yet integrated into the European Studies field, that are waiting to be grasped. The academic position and influence of the BRCs in their respective regions creates possibilities for broad dissemination.